LingoHut(45种外语学习) LingoHut(网站)一个免费学习45种语言的网站,适合零基础以及需要巩固学习的小伙伴,界面简洁舒适。用广告过滤插件可以过滤掉网站上的谷歌广告。 Discover the easiest way to learn a new language with LingoHut. Our free platform is focused on building your vocabulary and mastering proper pronunciation, making it effortless for you to improve your language skills. Learn from your native language the most essential 50 languages from around the world. LingoHut has everything you need to succeed. Start your language journey today and join millions of satisfied learners!
Duolingo多邻国 Duolingo(多邻国)是世界上最受欢迎的语言学习平台之一,不同于我们常见的学习外语的枯燥方法,多邻国提供了一种全新的寓教于乐的外语学习新方式,让你如同玩游戏般的学习外语,在玩的过程中掌握新单词、短语和语法。难能可贵之处在于多邻国在提供优质有趣甚至令人上瘾的语言学习内容很多都是免费的。 Duolingo is the world's most popular way to learn a language. It's 100% free, fun and science-based. Practice online on or on the apps!